Defunct UK Electrotechnical Surplus Dealers
The original version of this page in 2012 started as a
result of a discussion on a theatre technical forum that I frequent, the Blue
Room, remembering the wide range of surplus dealers that used to exist. In the
1950’s & 60’s, which are seen by many as the heyday of government surplus,
there were well over 50 such dealers around the country, and whilst many lasted
into the 1980s, only a small handful are left now.
I aim to collate as comprehensive a list as possible here of
defunct electrotechnical surplus dealers. It will include any that I can trace
that sold either government or industrial surplus, either electrical or
mechanical. This will include, tools, fasteners, aircraft instrument,
materials, hardware, electronic components & test equipment etc and include
shops that carried surplus in addition to other ranges. I will include details
on a few where they are still trading in some form, but are no longer actively
dealing in surplus.
I won’t include dealers that only sold clothes or field
equipment- tents, cooking eqpt- this would be another huge list!
What constitutes a dedicated surplus dealer and what is a
radio or component supplier is sometimes hard to discern. I have included radio
and component suppliers if they include clearly identifiable surplus items in
their adverts, even if their main trade is not surplus and in a couple of cases
have erred on the side of inclusion where I have doubts as I can always update
if more information comes to light. Likewise it is sometimes difficult to
determine if surplus is industrial or ex govt. in nature and it is likely that
many shops carried a mix.
The heyday was in the post-war period when vast quantities
of equipment produced for the war effort was no-longer found to be needed and
started being sold off. The UK alone produced 130,000 aircraft during WW2, and
3 million people served in the UK Army over the same period, explaining the
large volumes of material that became available. Consequently as the stocks
depleted the numbers of dealers slowly reduced. The reduction in number also
seems to follow the trends in the electronics world, where radios and TVs
changed from valve to semiconductor operation with improved reliability, and
there was an reduction in the need to service them or obtain spare parts.
Changes in 1994 in the way the
government, and in particular the MOD, disposes of material altered the market
significantly again. It meant that most surplus was no longer disposed of or
scrapped by the individual bases or stores locations at local auctions,
effectively sounding the death knell for real bargains. Central disposal was
set up with a few main contractors, meaning the government gets the best price
it can for its assets- There is still government surplus out there, in lower
volumes and at higher prices. Disposal is managed by the Defence
Equipment Sales Authority (DESA) who will try and sell complete packages of
assets- Aircraft with their spares for example as a primary disposal route, and
only if these sales are not able to be made do they find their way into wider
The information here has been collated from a number of
sources. Wherever possible I have used original adverts, but am indebted to a
number of other sources linked at the bottom of the page- particularly on a
number of forums where members have reminisced about visits to the dealers in
question. Other sources include Companies House and the London Gazette.
Dates for companies that have lasted until relatively recently
can be accurate as the companies house online system can give those details at
no charge, although the first trading date may precede what is listed as some
of these businesses may have been sole traders, at least through part of their
existence, and therefore won’t show up in publicly available records. For older
companies I am reliant on other sources, and whilst with sufficient copies of
magazines and a lot of time it might be able to trace companies through their
adverts, this would be an enormous amount of effort!
A similar story emerges in the history of Surplus dealers in
other countries- the story of Bannerman’s in New York is particularly
Note addresses are given are those that the company traded
from- I have tried to list all known addresses.
This list is still a work in progress, so will get updated
periodically as new information comes in.
Listed in alphabetical order, by surname or business name:
A.C. Electronic Services
General electrical Govt Surplus
17, Appleton Grove, Leeds, LS9 9EN
Mail order only
Source: Sales List 1993
Aero-Spares Co
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
70-71 high Holborn, London
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. May 1951
Practical Mechanics 1951 Alpha Radio Supply Co
Radio shop carrying small selection of surplus
5/6 Vinces Chambers, Victoria Square, Leeds
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Altham Radio Company
Government surplus, including American
Jersey House, Jersey Street, Manchester,
Advert shows little detail, but may have been a wholesaler
to other dealers/ shops
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Jack E Annakin
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
Mail order only
Ilkley Road, Otley, Yorkshire
Source: Vintage Radio Forum
Charles Britain (Radio) Ltd
General electrical govt surplus
11 Upper Saint Martin’s Lane, London, WC2
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
B.Bamber Electronics
General electrical surplus
5 Station Road, Littleport, Cambridge, CB6 1QE
Source: Short Wave Magazine, Jan 1976
Bates Surplus Store
General electrical surplus
49 Ivy Street, Birkenhead (By main tunnel entrance)
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
W A Benson/ Superadio (Whitechapel) Ltd
Radio shop carrying small selection of surplus
308 Rathbone Road, Liverpool 13
116 Whitechapel, Liverpool 1
Linked businesses
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Bits & Pieces
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
34, Luton Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 5AA
Source: Personal memory
The Bull Group Ltd/ J&N Bull electrical/ J&N FactorsGeneral electrical & mechanical Surplus250 Portland Road, Hove, Sussex, BN3 50T55A Worcester Street, WolverhamptonBull’s
seem to have gone through a few incarnations, but finally ceased
trading in 2010. The details below were their last registered on
companies house. The Portland road address is probably what most would
remember, this was supplemented in the 1990s with the Wolverhampton
branch. Surprisingly at the time of writing their website is still live.Final address:The Bull Group Ltd, Unit D, Henfield Business Park, Henfield, Sussex ,BN5 9SL24th Feb 2003-16th Nov 2010"Bullybeef
is the web site of Bull Group Ltd. We originally started trading back
in 1945 under the name "Bull Electrical" when we specialized in surplus
electronic items."Source: Companies House, company website, Everyday with Practical Electronics August 1994
J. Burke
General mechanical surplus & tools
192 Baslow Road, Totley, Sheffield
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. Jan 1961
Clydesdale Supply Co Ltd
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
2 Bridge Street, Glasgow
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. May 1951
Practical Mechanics 1951
Clyne Radio Ltd
Radio shop carrying small selection of surplus
18, Tottenham Court Road, London W1
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Collectors Corner
British Rail Surplus
Circa 1970-1997
Coburg Street, Euston
C.T.S Electronics
General electrical & mechanical Surplus
18 Chatham St, Ramsgate, Kent
Source: Personal Memory
Cummings & Jennings
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
Tillingham, Southminster, Essex
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. Jan 1961
Display Electronics
General electrical & mechanical Surplus
Stanley Works, 29-35 Osborne Road, Thornton Heath
29th Oct 1981- 13th Dec 2016
Display Electronics ceased trading officially in 2016 and
became part of Electroprops, which in turn became part of Film Medical
Services. Much of their equipment lives on and is hired out for film and TV
Electroprops ltd
30th Apr 2002- 17th Apr 2018
Film Medical Services Ltd
11th Apr 1990- Present
Source: Companies House
Duke & Co
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
219 Ilford Lane, Ilford, Essex
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. May 1951
Electradix Radios
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
214 Queenstown Road, London
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. May 1951
Electronic Precision Equipment Ltd
Radio shop carrying small selection of surplus
249 Kilburn Hight Road, Kilburn, London
42-46 Windmill Hill, Ruislip, Middlesex
152-153 Fleet Street, London EC4
29 Stroud Green Road, Finsbury Park, London N4
123 Terminus Road, Eastbourne
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
H.W English
Optical Govt Surplus
469 Rayleigh Road, Hutton, Brentwood, Essex
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. May 1951/ Jan 1961
Franks of Glasgow (Charles Frank Ltd)
Optical Govt Surplus, New Instrument Makers
67-75 Saltmarket, Glasgow
Established 1907
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. May 1951/ Jan 1961
Practical Mechanics 1961 Galpin’s electrical Stores
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
408 High Street, Lewisham, London, SE13
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. May 1951, Wireless World
Dec 1955
Gee Bros Radio Ltd
General electrical govt surplus
15 Little Newport Street, London, WC2
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Greenweld Electronics LtdElectronic and Electrical surplus27 Park Road, Southampton443 Millbrook Road, Southampton, SO1 OHXGreenweld
started in 1965 by Peter Green, then working for the GPO who had bought
various surplus GPO components and developed a sequencer. Greenweld
Electronics Limited was formed as a Ltd company in 1979. They are
quoted in 1994 of having 35,000 listed customers and a turnover of
approaching £1million. It lasted under several owners at its
Southampton site until 1999 when it went into administration. The
assets were bought out by Permex Limited, forming the basis of the
current Greenweld, but surplus sales no longer seem to form a
significant part of the business.In
the late 1990s Greenweld had two sites- the main store was primarily a
counter and a very small ‘showroom’ area as their main business was
mail order- it wasn’t easy to browse stock. They had an additional
‘Greenweld Junk Shop’ up the road which was only open on a Friday and
had a real mix of kit- mostly items that they had in quantities too
small to list in the catalogue, or end of lines. Down one side of the
shop were a number of shelves literally piled with components- these
could be selected and bought by the carrier bag full for £5 (in about
1997). This was a favourite place of a few friends and I to visit
occasionally, driving down from Guildford.Source: Personal Memory, Companies House, The London Gazette, Everyday with Practical Electronics August 1994
Elektor Electronics 1980
G.W.Smith & Co Radio Ltd
Radio shop carrying small selection of surplus
3-34 Lisle Street, London WC2
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
P Harris
General electrical Govt Surplus
Organford, Dorset
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Hatter & Davis (Relays) Ltd
General electrical Govt Surplus
126 Kensal Road, London, W10
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
A G Haynes (Radio)
General electrical govt surplus
9 Newport Place, Leicester Square, London WC2
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Headquarter & General Supplies
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
196-200 Coldharbour Lane, Loughboro junction, London, SE5
Source: Hobbies weekly July 17th 1957
Henry’s Radio Ltd
Radio shop carrying small selection of surplus
5 Harrow Road, Paddington, London W2
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Highstone Utilities
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
58, New Wanstead, London
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. May 1951
H & M Sales / Hanningfield Metals/ (Barndoor Media)
Aircraft Scrapyard, Government Surplus , Film & TV hire
Hanningfield metals were primarily a scrapyard, but were the
most prolific of UK dismantlers of scrap military aircraft. At their peak in
the early 1990s, Wrecks and Relics lists 43 aircraft present in their yard in
various states of de-commission. They also had extensive stocks of other
military surplus parts. Unfortunately I never visited in the heyday, but did
obtain some nice items from them near the end.
A second stream of income for them was supply/ hire of items
for film and TV. I have Items in my collection from James Bond, Doctor Who and
Star Wars Episode 1 that had been in their hire stock.
Temple Wood Estate, Stock Road, West Hanningfield,
Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 8LA
H & M Sales 26 Nov 1993- 26th Mar 2013,First
point of wind up of company 8th Jun 2010
Details as Hanningfield Metals not available
One director currently still trading as Barndoor Media
Source: Personal Memory, Wrecks & Relics 14th
Edition, Companies house
Huggett’s Ltd
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
2/4 Pawson’s Road, West Croydon, Surrey
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. Jan 1961
Lasky’s (Harrow Rd) Ltd/ Lasky’s Radio
Radio shop carrying small selection of surplus
42 Tootenham Court Road, London W1
370 Harrow Road, Paddington, London W9
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
61 Byrom Street, Liverpool
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. May 1951
C Marks & Co (Newport. Mon.) Ltd
General electrical govt surplus
2 Shops
90 Commercial Street, Newport, Monmouthshire
25 Wyndham Arcade, Cardiff
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Methodical Engineers Ltd/ Methco
Aircraft surplus
4-6 Armstrong Road, Manor Trading Estate, Benfleet, Essex
Methodical Engineers traded in both surplus and airworthy
aircraft parts up until 1998 when they went into liquidation. Some of their
stock transferred to Airsaam/ Aircraft Spares and Materials which is part of
the Aircraft Restoration Company and is still trading.
28th October 1998 (liquidators appointed)
Airsaam/ Aircraft Spares and Materials
Aircraft Restoration Company Limited
Building 425, Duxford Airfield, Duxford, Cambridge
27th Feb 1998-Present
Source: London Gazette, Companies House,
Midland Instrument Company
General electrical govt surplus
Moorpool Circle, Birmingham 17
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
2 Harford Street, Liverpool
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. Jan 1961
P.C.A Radio
Radio shop carrying small selection of surplus
Beavor Lane, Hammersmith, London W6
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Premier Radio Company (B.H. Morris & Co (Radio) Ltd)
Radio shop carrying small selection of surplus
207 Edgware Road, London, W2
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Proops Brothers Ltd
Proops Brothers (stores) Ltd pre 1967
Victoria Works, 24 Saddington Road, Fleckney, Leicestershire
52 Tottenham Court Road, London (shop)
The Hyde Industrial Estate, Edgware Road, London, NW9 6JS
5th July 1961- Present
Website states shop started in 1946
Proops were certainly one of the most well known of the
surplus dealers. I suspect one reason for this was their ‘Pound Packs’. These
were packaged up small quantities of useful parts which were sold through local
model shops- I wonder if any still have the rack hidden away in a store-room?
In some cases Proops sold parts with associated data that made re-using them
that much easier for the purchaser.
Proops is still trading, but no longer a surplus dealer,
instead providing craft, and especially jewellery supplies.
Source: Companies House,,
Wireless World Dec 1955, Model Mechanics Feb 1979
Model Mechanics 1979 Radio Clearance Ltd
General electrical surplus
27 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
The Radio & electrical Mart
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
253B Portabello Road, London
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. May 1951
Radio Supply Co (Leeds) Ltd
Radio shop carrying small selection of surplus
32 The Calls, Leeds 2
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Reema Trading CoGeneral Govt Surplus28 St Mary St, SouthamptonSource: Kelly’s Directory of Southampton and Neighbourhood, 1954
D M Rogers
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
Southport, Merseyside
Source: Vintage Radio Forum
Samson’s Surplus Stores
General electrical govt surplus
2 Shops
169/171 Edgware Road, London W2
125 Tottenham Court Road, London W1
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Arthur Sallis
General electrical & mechanical govt surplus
93 North Road, Brighton, Sussex
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Sherman’s Supply Co
General electrical & mechanical govt surplus
3 shops:
479 Harrow Road, London W10
High Street Harlesdon, London NW10
359 Kilburn High Road, London NW6
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Wireless World 1955
Somers Lamps Ltd
General electrical govt surplus
Crown Street, Acton, London, W3
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Southern Radio Supply Ltd
General electrical surplus
11 Little Newport Street, London, WC2
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
The Surplus Trading CoGeneral electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus19-25 & 57 St Mary Street, SouthamptonSource: Kelly’s Directory of Southampton and Neighbourhood, 1970, SBN 610000985
Kelly’s Directory of Southampton and Neighbourhood, 1954Thanks to Kelvin Richards for info & source links
A.H. Thacker & sons Ltd
General electrical & mechanical Surplus. Used test
High Street, Cheslyn Hay, Walsall, Staffordshire
Closed Oct 1985
Source: Short Wave Magazine October 1985
UEI Corporation
General electrical govt surplus
Radio Corner, 138 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Universal Electronics
Test equipment shop carrying small selection of surplus
22/27 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, London WC2
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Used Equipment Surplus & Storage Ltd (UES & S)
General electrical & mechanical Surplus. Used test
26 Nov 2004- 27 Jul 2018
Units 6&7, Bayfield Brecks, Farm Walls Lane, Holt,
Source: Companies House
Waltons’ Wireless Stores
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
203 Staveley Road, Wolverhampton
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. May 1951
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
Eastern Motors, Aldeburgh, Suffolk
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. Jan 1961
WCN Supplies
Millbrook, Portsmouth
Took over at least some of the stock from Greenweld on their
K.R. Whiston
Bate Mill, New Mills, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK12
24th April 1986-20th April 2000
Source: Financial Conduct Authority Mutuals Public Register
L. Wilkinson (Croydon) Ltd
General electrical & mechanical Govt Surplus
19 Lansdowne Road, Croydon, Surrey
Source: Newnes Practical Mechanics. Jan 1961
Z & I Aero Services Ltd
General electrical surplus
19, Buckingham Street, London WC2
Source: Wireless World Dec 1955
Can you help?
I’d welcome any input from others to expand out what I have
been able to pull together so-far, even if it is small snippets of information
such as trading dates etc. I would be particularly interested in any
photographs of the stores, catalogues, packaging, bags etc. that I can
reproduce here. I would be happy with original items or photos or scans as
appropriate and will happily cover expenses and credit all contributors.
UK Official Government Disposal Contractors
Note, most are trade only sales
Defence Equipment Sales Authority Central
agency for disposal
General and clothing surplus
Vehicles and spares
Military spares from Air and Land
Currently Active Electrotechnical Surplus Dealers
Silicon Ark Electronics
surplus & some mechanical, Chatteris,Cambridgeshire
DSM Components Electronics Surplus, Czech Republic (EU Shipping)
Sinequanon Surplus
electronic components (Formerly Taurus), Loughborough,
Jackson & Co Surplus
MOD equipment, Doncaster,
South Yorkshire
Solent Plastics Used
storage containers, Hoddesdon,
Fuels Tanks
and Drums, Wrexham,
North Wales
Aero Aircraft
Parts and complete planes, Ipswich,
Surplus Wide
variety of surplus, including marine, Plymouth,
Trinity Marine Salvaged
marine parts, Nr
Exeter, Devon
Junktion Technical
Junk & Antiques, Nr
Boston, Lincolnshire
of Reading Used
test equipment, Reading,
Supplies Electronics
parts & equipment, tools, but mostly military, Nottingham
and Ripley, Derbyshire
of Diss Great
place, loads of very random kit, Diss,
Information Sources
M.Pantrey 2012-2024