built this proton pack and Neutrona wand of a a period of evenings for
about a month in the run up to Halloween 2022. I just about got it to a
usable state for the 31st, but there are a few details, mostly on the
wand needed to fully complete it.
daughters love the Ghostbusters theme tune and the youngest (3 at the
time) went through a phase of running round the house shouting
"Ghostboosters". They jointly decided that they should be ghosts for
halloween, which gave me an excuse for finally building the pack,
something that had been on my project ideas list for a long time.
used the excellent GBfans forum(1) for inspiration and details, and I'd
really like to thank all those that have freely provided information
for everyone else to use. I'd particularly single out Stefan for his
plans(2) which were essential to the build, but there are countless
others where I gained other useful info, plus of course lots of great
reference photos.
quickly realised that if I chased the goal of a fully screen accurate
pack, it would cost a lot of money, and more importantly take far
longer than the time I had available. I therefore chose to go down the
route of making a representative pack.
chose to use solid polystyrene insulation foam and PVC pipe as I felt
this would likely be the quickest method for me with the tools I have,
but I chose to supplement this with resin greeblies and neutrona wand
body from one of the UK based suppliers on Etsy.
started off using Lostwax's plans(3) to get some of the key templates
for backplane and cyclotron- unfortunately I didn't immediately realise
his scale is slightly out compared to Stefan's plans until after I cut
my aluminium backboard. I did therefore have to amend a few dimensions
as I went along.
bought foam in 50mm, 20mm and 10mm thicknesses and used these laminated
with water based contact adhesive to make the foam blocks, and then cut
out most parts using the bandsaw, sanding afterwards with 120 grit
abrasive paper. Details were then built up with plastazote of a few
different thicknesses.
parts were generally made from PVC pipe- guttering down pipe proved to
be good for the largest diameters, and I used a selection of other
sizes for the remainder of the parts. In a couple of cases foamed PVC
sheet was used to cap off the PVC pipes, fixed with solvent weld
Generally parts were assembled together with hot-melt adhesive.
fitted rivnuts into the backplane to allow it to be fitted to the pack
frame easily- I used a genuine alice pack frame I managed to find on
ebay, the single most expensive part of the project!
resin-cast greeblies were cleaned up and painted and then fitted to
appropriate places on the the pack. For other greeblies, I raided my
stores and got a bit creative.
Bolts are all genuine hex-socket bolts either tapped into other parts or glued in.
Convolute tube was saved from a wallpaper stripper.
pipes are all lengths of pneumatic tubing salvaged from scrap pneumatic
equipment, as were all the elbows and fittings. I painted some fittings
to get closer to the colour in the film.
cable was some new old stock 40 way spectra-strip bought from a surplus
dealer. The P-clip was a random ex-equipment one of an appropriate size
from my stores.
Cyclotron light filters are red acrylic left over from another project
Labels are the H-Props set printed using laser printer onto white PET label stock.
main paint was simply a couple of coats of black artist's acrylic,
lightly weathered with silver, brown and green acrylics. One area i
need to spend more time on is the finish- It looked good enough for
Halloween but looks a bit to cartoony for my tastes.
flight suit I used is a genuine one, bought at a surplus dealer a good
few years ago when I first thought of doing the costume. I bought a
belt, and added the no ghosts and name patches, but could really do
with adding the other accessories.When
halloween came around, my daughters had changed their mind about being
ghosts so we didn't end up with the family costume, but now they have
seen it finished, they have promised me that we'll do the family group
in 2023!
Completed Proton Pack