How to Make a Quality Crimped Joint
A Range of Finished Crimps With Tools
understood well within professional harness makers, the correct
application of crimps is something that doesn’t seem to be as widely
understood in DIY circles with much information available ranging from
not very thorough to out-rightly wrong; One of my friends was once
given the advice by an employee in a car hi-fi shop to hold the crimp
onto the cable with insulating tape and nothing else....... Crimping is
a technique that can produce reliable, long lasting joint, efficiently
and easily with very little training.There
are a vast range of crimps out there in the market- industrial users of
crimps have good access to information from the crimp and tooling
manufacturers so I won’t go into depth on these applications. Instead,
in this Instructable I hope to give some advice on using crimps that
you are likely to encounter in installing accessories or making repairs
to your car, boat or caravan or in projects at home.Much
of this page will focus on materials and tools, so I will split this
down into detail in three main areas and will keep the introduction
materials simple:MaterialsGood quality crimp terminals to suit the applicationStranded wire of a known specification (not solid core)Heatshrink ToolsGood quality wire cuttersCrimp tool to suit the terminals Step 1 Choosing the wireDepending
on your application, you may or may not have a choice on the wire to
use. Firstly do not use solid cored wire, and if you want a reliable
job heavily avoid ‘conduit wire’ (a few largish strands intended for
mains buried in conduit). Specific types of crimps are required to use
this type of wire reliably. The best wire for general use will be one
with many strands.
Wire Types Next
determine the wire size- This may be listed in a number of ways, the
most common being AWG (American Wire Gauge)(e.g. 16AWG), Cross
sectional area in square mm (e.g. 1sqmm) or strand and diameter count
(e.g. 32/0.2). There are plenty of tables around to help you convert
between common sizes. If
buying new wire, the size will be listed on the reel or packet. If
modifying an existing installation it may be more difficult to
determine. Many wires are now either printed or moulded into the
insulation with this information repeated along the length so it will
be work a look to see if you can find it. If
you can’t find this information you will have to fall back to
measurement and a bit of calculation. Strip back a length of the
insulation and then count the number of individual wire strands and
measure the diameter of one with a micrometer or vernier calliper. You
can then cross refer to a table or calculate the cross sectional area
by multiplying the number of strands by the area of one strand
calculated by πr2.Insulation
diameter is important for the most reliable crimps as it affects how
the rear of the crimp grips the wire, however as long as you use
standard wires, then this should not give you a significant issue. It
is however important to consider this is you are using a crimp in a
professional application.Step 2Choosing the Crimp TerminalNow
you know what wire size you have, you will also need to work out what
you need to connect to. There are many, many variations of crimp, but
there are a handful of very common ones, most shown in the image.
Crimps designed to fit to threaded fasteners can be simply specified by
the bolt size (e.g M4/ ¼”). Others may have different names dependent
on the industry and manufacturer (eg lucar, faston, ¼” blade). Critical
to getting a good joint will be the quality of the crimp- it is
difficult to get a good, long lasting joint with a poor quality crimp
A Range of Possible Crimps PlatingTerminals
are available with a number of different plating options to give
corrosion protection and for other technical reasons (such as low
contact resistance). I would avoid any crimp (if at all possible) that
doesn’t have a plating so that you don’t have to re-visit it in the
future to clean it of corrosion. This will be especially important in
the more corrosive atmosphere like those found on a boat. The most
common available plating is tin, and this will be suitable for most
needs. Silver and gold are also common in certain applications, but are
usually used in low current/ signal applications where a minimum
resistance across the joint is needed.Pre Insulated CrimpsIf
using pre-insulated terminals the better quality connectors have a
metal sleeve to grip the wire insulation, the lower quality parts don’t
have this. The image below make this obvious. To check, look down the barrel of the
crimp from the wire entry end. You will see metal to almost the end of
the crimp in a quality part, but it will stop short in cheaper parts.
Preinsulated Crimps- (better quality terminal on the left)
terminals will be sold with a defined wire size range- this should be
listed on the packet, but if not and you are using pre-insulated parts
you can tell by the colour of the sleeve. The generally adopted
standard is:Red Insulation 0.5-1.5mm2 / 22-16 AWGBlue Insulation 1.5-2.5mm2 / 16-14 AWGYellow Insulation 4.0-6.0mm2 / 12-10 AWG
Common Three Sizes of Insulated Crimps There
are other colours around, but you are unlikely to come across these
unless you are doing industrial, aerospace or military work.Closed Barrel Un-insulated CrimpsThese
parts are made in one of two ways- sheet formed or tube terminals. The
sheet formed ones are manufactured by cutting the material out of flat
sheet and then shaping to make a tube on one end. Better quality ones
of this type will have thicker material and the seam brazed. Tube
terminals are manufactured by cutting a piece tube to length,
flattening one end and punching a hole. The tube type tend to be
heavier duty and therefore are more common in the larger sizes- for
example you might encounter these on a starter motor feed.
Sheet and Tube Formed Crimps Open Barrel Un-insulated CrimpsThis
type of crimp has by far the biggest amount of variation tending to be
the type used in connector housings. Of the many thousands available,
by far the most common that you are likely to come across are of the
blade type, of these the ¼” blade are the most common with 1/8” (3.2mm)
and 3/16” (4.8mm) also frequently encountered. You will find these
connectors widely used in cars, domestic appliances, Hi-Fi equipment
Blade Type Crimps You
may well find different types on your car for other applications- if
you need to replace these good auto-electrical suppliers can often
provide you with a kit of parts. These types will often need a very
specific tool to crimp correctly.
Junior Power Timer Crimp Kit Turned PinThese
are most commonly encountered in military-spec connectors, but may also
be encountered in industrial connectors, RF connectors and high quality
D-Types. They are manufactured by turning parts from rod and hence are
almost invariably round.Other TypesThere
are many other types of crimp around, most of which have specific
applications and you are therefore unlikely to encounter in day to day
large proportion of crimps are available in a form that enables
automatic crimping on a specialist machines- normally a strip or
carrier supplied on a reel. These can be crimped with hand tools, but
will need to be removed or cut from a carrier strip. Other terminals
are supplied as ‘loose piece’- individual parts supplied usually in
bags or boxes.
Crimps as Packaged For Volume Production Step 3Choosing a toolAs
with any other tool, there are a wide variety of options available,
covering a huge range of price and quality. A cheap generic tool may
start at £2 with good quality, calibrated hand tools often exceeding
£400 and automated equipment running into tens of thousands of pounds
or more.
A Wide Range of Crimp Tools As
a general rule, I would try and avoid any tool that doesn’t have a
ratchet feature- although sometimes this is just not possible, it is
best to make the choice knowing why.Pliers
type tools rarely have any method of ensuring that a crimp is correctly
consolidated- a ratchet tool will have. You can therefore guarantee
that a crimp has been correctly formed (if you have selected the
correct crimp and wire for the die). Similarly hammer type tools have
the same issue. More about this later.To
get the best results the tool should be selected to suit the terminal-
the best way to do this would be to buy the manufacturer’s recommended
tool for every crimp you use, however this isn’t likely to be practical
for the DIYer for obvious reasons. Manufacturer’s datasheets will
generally list the part number of the correct tool. For the most common
crimps, there are generic tools available at reasonable prices which
will work suitably well. In reality there are a very limited number of
manufacturers of these tools in the world, so if you buy a cheap, basic
tool the chances are it will be the same part. The main manufacturer of
these is a company called OPT in Taiwan- .
From personal experience these are good functional tools for the
insulated terminals, blade terminals and un-insulated closed barrel
terminals, and are available at reasonable prices.The other main manufacturers of hand tools for the big crimp suppliers I am aware of are:
do all sell under their own name as well as ‘badge engineering’ for
others. You will however have to go to a dealer/ distributor to
purchase their parts as they all only sell to the trade.Step 4Making the crimpIf
you are using an un-insulated crimp and need to sleeve it, put a
suitable piece of sleeving onto the wire. Typically 3:1 shrink ratio,
adhesive lined heat shrink would ensure that good support of both the
wire and crimp is made. A length at least 2 times the crimp barrel will
usually give a good grip. Other sleeving can be used- in particular
neoprene sleeves (Hellermann Sleeves) also work well. Before
carrying out a lot of crimps, it is probably worth doing a test crimp
on representative wire and terminals to ensure you have settings
you have determined the length of the wire is to strip the end, being
careful not to damage the conductors. The length to strip may be stated
on the packaging of the crimp, but if not should be so that when the
wire is inserted in the crimp, 1-2mm extends out from it. Insert the
wire into the crimp, making sure all strands are in, and none are left
straying. It is not recommended to twist the strands together.
Wire in Crimp With Tool, and Finished Termination Carefully
place the crimp in the wire in to the tool (you may find it easier to
put the crimp into the tool prior to the wire with some crimps), and
ensure the wire is seated home. Cycle the tool- if a ratchet tool,
until the tool releases. Remove and inspect the crimp- ensure that the
wire is in the correct position, and the insulation is gripped
successfully. Give a small tug to ensure fully crimped.
Finished Crimp Terminations If
you are using some of the cheaper/ non-ratchet tools, you may have to
crimp each terminal twice, possibly with two settings on the tool. If
you need to do this, crimp the conductor end of the crimp first,
followed by the insulation.If
using heatshrink, or other sleeving. Fit the sleeve and if necessary
heat to shrink down. Use a suitable heat source- ideally a hot air gun,
but items such as soldering irons can be used with a lot of care.
Before shrinking, make sure the sleeving is in the correct place, not
obstructing the terminal end of the crimp.
Heatshrink Insulated Terminal Further InformationSome Science & quality ControlIt is both possible to over and under crimp a terminal;Crimp
systems are designed to compact the wire strands together to a set
level so that no interstitial spaces (gaps) are left between the
strands. This stops both moisture and oxygen entering the crimp and
therefore prevents corrosion from occurring. If this is correctly
carried out, soldering the rear of a crimp (as some people will
recommend) will have no effect on the corrosion resistance of the joint
as there will be no space for the solder to enter. Ultimately the crimp
process aims to deform the wire and crimp to a preset level, to
eliminate the spaces as well as cold work the wire to a pre-determined
which can be achieved by using the wrong tool or die for the crimp, not
cycling the tool to fully closed, using pliers type tools or by
incorrect selection of crimp and wire, will leave these interstitial
spaces open, allowing moisture and oxygen to enter, ultimately allowing
corrosion and hence a high resistance joint, or mechanical failure. If
under-crimped, the joint will also have reduced mechanical strength,
and at an extreme level will pull out with very low force. Whilst the
pull strength of the joint isn’t an ideal test (due to over-crimping
issues described next), it is a common test that is quick to apply in a
factory environment and is hence commonly used as a quality control
crimping of the joint can have equally disastrous results- at an
extreme level, the imposed stress on the wires can lead to complete
failure, which is likely to be obvious. A less obvious issue is a
greater sensitivity to fatigue, which will occur in places with
vibration where the failure may not become apparent for some time. This
type of failure is analogous to what happens when you keep flexing a
paperclip- the material work hardens and then eventually fails. Over
crimping is more difficult to detect as a simple pull test won’t
necessarily pick up the issue, due to this other quality control
techniques tend to be used, although none of these are practical for
the DIYer;Microsectioning-
this is a destructive test that is the only completely definitive
method of determining the quality of a crimp- It is therefore often
used in industry to ensure the design/ calibration and set up of crimp
machinery is correct, where samples can be taken and analysed. The
process consists of cutting a crimped joint through the crimped area,
mounting and polishing the section and inspection and measurement with
a microscope. The criteria for a good joint are mostly to determine if
correct consolidation has occurred- i.e no void spaces, no inclusions
of foreign matter or oxides and approximately hexagonal sections of the
crimped wire strands.Pull
tests- by hand this can be a gentle tug on a joint, but in a production
environment a calibrated tester is usually used to apply a force until
the joint fails, noting the yield force achieved. This can be a quick
in-process check which will detect under-crimping, but not necessarily
height- measurement of the height of the terminated wire in the crimp
area is a good method for quality control as it is non-destructive, and
can pick up both over and under crimping simply. Crimp
force- many automated crimp tools measure the force applied during the
crimping process. This is another reliable method of getting an
indication of crimp quality, and has the advantage that it is an in
process check- no need to stop machines or remove samples.Soldering-
you may see recommendations to solder crimps elsewhere. There is
absolutely no need to solder any crimp. In fact you may reduce the
reliability of the crimp by doing so. Crimps are designed to control
the flexure of cable at the entry point. Soldering can stiffen the
joint and result in premature failure.Esoteric
tools- Due to the dangers of over-crimping described above, and the
difficulty of detecting it, I would strongly advise against using a
hammer type tool, or anything else that is not specifically designed
for the type of crimp. This includes squeezing in a vice, squeezing
with a vice with a nail to indent, using ground pliers, whacking it
with a hammer or any other brutal method that might come to mind. You
might get a reasonable result, but there is a very high risk you won’t
and the joint will fail prematurely.Further ReadingUnfortunately
there is very little widely available information on crimp technology,
and by far the best book is currently out of print;Electric
Connector Handbook: Technology and Applications (Electronic Packaging
and Interconnection Series), Robert S Mroczkowski, ISBN 978-0070414013Most
of the major crimp manufacturers do however produce some sort of guide,
the following are good examples. Others are available; TipsFinally, my top tips for a sound, reliable crimped joint are; Buy good quality crimp terminals Match the right crimp to the right wire size Take care when stripping wire not to damage it Use a good quality ratchet crimping tool Don’t solder the crimp Use heat shrink tubing to provide any strain relief or insulation if needed
(c) M.Pantrey 2012