Surrey Scoutabout
is a huge weekend activity camp for all Scouts and Guides in Surrey, run every
three years at the South of England Showground in West Sussex. It has an
attendance of over 3500 young people plus another couple of thousand of their
leaders, and offers over 200 activities for them to take part in, the biggest,
and arguably the most popular being the ‘Black Hole’, with over 1694 young
people enjoying the system over the weekend.
Scout Caving Club, of which I am a member, has been running the
activity for many years, although my first involvement with it was at
the 2011 event, as I had been involved in the management and running of
the event. For the 2014 event another member, Pete, and myself were
offered the task of designing the system and managing the build,
supported by the wider club.
In previous years
we have built the system as we went along, assigning small teams to sections,
which were then joined together. For 2014, however we took a different approach
in planning which started in earnest at the end of 2013. Pete, I and a few
others sat down and worked out the main design using Lego as it enabled us to
easily produce a model that everyone could understand, and could be modified on
the fly if necessary
The build starts with 1000 bales of straw, and a lego model on the Thursday Morning

The first few layers go in, including the liner for the wet partsThis is very much a team build
The internal structure- Scaffolding towers and features such as a rift get fitted in
Once at the finished height, the system is roofed off
Nearing completion
A queuing system is set up, with a station to kit out the Scouts snd Guides with helmets

The finished cave, awaiting Scouts and Guides, ready to go by 5pm Friday
The entrance is pre-fabricated and reused each time. The sheep pens are used to manage the queue

Scouts and Guides enjoying the system
Sessions ran for around 9 hours on the saturday and 4 hours on the Sunday
The last section of the system includes a canal with soaker hose dripping down

Cavers exit through a sump, or through an alternative dry route
The cave in numbers;
• 3500 Scouts and Guides on Camp
• 1694 people through the system
• 70M of passage
• 1000 Bales of straw
• 120 Sheep Pens
• 20 Sheets of ply
• 224 sqm plastic sheeting
• 5000 litres water

The full team from Surrey Scout Caving Club
Text and Photos (c) M. Pantrey April 2016, Additional Photos (c) A. Roberts